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Apr 19, 2022

#FitOver50 #BelieveInYourself #Workout

Two things you MUST have in any industry, career, life and of course, Health and Fitness, is Belief and Work Ethic. Don't believe me listen to what I have to say and then tell me if it makes sense or not.


Apr 8, 2022

#DietsDontWork #OvercomeCravings #HealthyDiets

Join me and my guest, Vickie Griffith, as we talk about how to Crush Your Cravings in 30 Seconds! Vickie is an author, public speaker and a great interview guest! We had a blast! Learn how you can get healthier without having to give up what you like!



Apr 6, 2022

#HomeGym #AtHomeWorkout #HowToWorkoutAtHome
Have you ever wanted to set up a home gym but didn't know how? I break it down and show you how you can have a effective home gym, with everything you need, all for under $100!

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